“You’ve been home too long, I’ve been home too long,” he laments, before sealing the deal with a really good kiss-off: “There ain’t no apocalypse / Long as you’re here on my lips.” If someone uses this line on you outside of the Eurovision song contest, however, you may be entitled to compensation. Czech Republic – Benny Christo: OmagaĪlmost as good but with even more charisma is this track from the Jason Derulo of central Europe, Benny Christo, who references the pandemic as he tries to wheedle his way back into his girl’s life. They make Tousin Chiza, AKA Tusse – a teenage Congolese refugee who ended up winning the TV talent show Swedish Idol – stand out all the more for his big, sturdy, bell-clear chorus, probably the contest’s best this year.
Perhaps due to some second-choice material being trotted out after last year’s cancellation, there are some weak choruses amid the big Europop numbers by various anonymous Gaga-ites.